Ryan Klacking, CPC Council Director The Voice Newsletter August 2023

I think I can speak for everyone who reads this newsletter or who participate in other work-related activities such as associations, that often, we’re struggling to find a solid work-life balance. It’s all too often that our work, especially as owners, takes precedence over almost everything else in our lives. We all have this innate desire to succeed, in the meantime, pushing aside our own well-being. By not having a balance, you’re subjecting yourself to instances of greater burnout, potential health issues, and we all know we can’t afford to have that happen. Not for ourselves, our businesses, or our families.

In this month’s writing, I’d like to get personal and share with you some things I have done to help me find my own balance between work and life, in the hope it’ll allow you to take some more time for yourself, your family, and the things that matter most.

  • Don’t try to strive for perfection! Instead, try to strive for a realistic expectation of outcomes. It’ll help you to manage your companies, your teams, and yourself better.
  • Remain fluid with your goals. We all set goals, whether daily, monthly, or yearly. But understanding and giving yourself time to move the goalpost might mean a big difference in your stress when goals aren’t achieved on time.
  • Prioritize your health. Your mental, emotional, and physical health are essential to stay sharp. This can include anything from daily exercise to meditation.
  • Unplug. Give yourself time away from emails, social media, and even phone calls. It allows your brain to rest, giving you much needed time to reset, and be ready for the next day.
  • Take a vacation. I know this is a busy time of year with work but even planning a weekend getaway will give you much needed time to shut off, reset, and reinvigorate.
  • Set boundaries! Personally, this is the one I find hardest to do, but it’s needed. Setting boundaries doesn’t mean forgetting your responsibilities, or ignoring tasks that need to be completed. It simply means that when you put work down, you really put it down (unless of course there’s a situation that needs immediate attention). Allowing yourself to set those boundaries will allow you to reset.

While we all operate differently and all have different situations, we all face some sort of stressors, burnout, and times when we lose sight of what’s important. I hope that some of these tips will help you to find a happy medium between your work life and your personal life. Cheers!

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