Prescription to Performance Checklist for Fresh Concrete

The P2P initiative is a shift from a prescription-based philosophy to performance-based specifications for concrete.

Performance-based specifications encourage innovation within the industry, and place rigorous quality standards in place, resulting in better concrete, designed to meet detailed performance specifications such as strength and durability.

Prescription-to-Performance Contractor Checklist

The American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) has developed a Prescription-to-Performance (P2P) Contractor Checklist intended for use in a pre-construction meeting to define each party’s responsibilities related to concrete performance.

It is important to note this checklist only applies to properties of fresh concrete performance and is not a contractual document. The Prescription-to-Performance checklist does not provide an organizational framework for a partnering process.

Checklist for Concrete Producer - Concrete Contractor Fresh Concrete Performance Expectations

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