Concrete Industry Position Statements

The ASCC Technical Committee regularly produces position statements that cover topics of major interest regarding building with concrete.

Many of the positions ASCC has taken relate to actual job site issues. ASCC’s Position Statements have received widespread distribution amongst those in the concrete industry via trade magazines, events and more.

To purchase one of the following Position Statements, click here. For more information on How to Use Position Statements, click here.

PS-01 - Hard Trowel Finish on Air-entrained ConcreteDownload
PS-02 - Location of Welded-Wire Reinforcement in Concrete SlabsDownload
PS-03 - Coatings that Affect Bond to ReinforcementDownload
PS-04 - Trowel Marks on Concrete FloorsDownload
PS-05 - Specifications for Crack RepairDownload
PS-06 - Division 3 versus Division 9 Floor Flatness TolerancesDownload
PS-07 - Birdbaths on Concrete SlabDownload
PS-08 - Bugholes in Formed ConcreteDownload
PS-09 - Slab Thickness TolerancesDownload
PS-10 - Moisture-Sensitive Floor Coverings on Concrete SlabsDownload
PS-11 - Appearance Requirements for Concrete SlabsDownload
PS-12 - Responsibility for Buying ConcreteDownload
PS-13 - Use of ACI Committee Reports and Guides in Project SpecificationsDownload
PS-14 - Anchor Bolt TolerancesDownload
PS-15 - Setting Time Expectations for Hard-Trowel FinishingDownload
PS-16 - Referee Test for Flexural Strength AcceptanceDownload
PS-17 - Free Fall of ConcreteDownload
PS-18 - Concrete Tolerance CoordinationDownload
PS-19 - Balcony DrainageDownload
PS-20 - Testing Fresh Concrete at Point of DeliveryDownload
PS-21 - Contractor Value EngineeringDownload
PS-22 - Reverse Auction BiddingDownload
PS-23 - Contraction Joints in Elevated SlabsDownload
PS-24 - Tolerances for Suspended Concrete SlabsDownload
PS-25 - Floor Finishing SpecificationsDownload
PS-26 - Misuses of the Moisture-Vapor Emission TestDownload
PS-27 - Formed Surface Requirements for Waterproofed WallsDownload
PS-28 - Retarded SettingDownload
PS-29 - Crack in Slabs on GroundDownload
PS-30 - Responsibility for Slab CurlingDownload
PS-31 - Acceptable Use of Calcium Chloride in ConcreteDownload
PS-32 - Concrete Discharge Time RequirementsDownload
PS-33 - Cracks In Structural ConcreteDownload
PS-34 - Who Pays For Additional TestingDownload
PS-35 - The Effect of Curling on Floor FlatnessDownload
PS-36 - The Effect of Deflection on Floor FlatnessDownload
PS-37 - Open-Graded Base Courses for Slabs-on-GroundDownload
PS-38 - Topping Slabs over Prestressed MembersDownload
PS-39 - Concrete Floor Slabs on Cambered Structural SteelDownload
PS-40 - Protection of Concrete WorkDownload
PS-41 - Limit on Requirements for Correcting Nonconforming WorkDownload
PS-42 - Proper Use of ACI Reference SpecificationsDownload
PS-43 - Concrete Industry Tolerances for ADA/ABA WorkDownload
PS-44 - Measuring Air Content in Non-Air-Entrained ConcreteDownload
PS-45 - Managing Concrete Projects: Concrete/Steel Price and Delivery Volatility RisksDownload
PS-46 - Water-Cementitious Material Ratio for Concrete to Receive a Trowel FinishDownload
PS-47 - Considerations for Deferred SubmittalsDownload
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American Society of Concrete Contractors
10025 Office Center Avenue, Suite 120
Sappington, MO 63128
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