NRMCA/ASCC Paving Tool Kit: Your Concrete Paving Resources Library

Welcome to the NRMCA/ASCC Paving Tool Kit, where professional concrete contractors can access helpful brochures, guides, case studies and reference charts covering the design, construction, and promotion of concrete parking lots. Learn more and browse our extensive selection of concrete paving resources below.

Podcasts on Paving

In the Fall of 2019, we recorded a new series on paving. Listen Now.

ACI 330.2R-17: Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Site Paving for Industrial and Trucking Facilities

Published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI), the ASCC recommends this Guide designed to assist architects/engineers, contractors, and testing agencies with designing, detailing, constructing, repairing, and inspecting site paving. Buy or download the guide.

ACI 330R-08: Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots

ACI 330R-08 includes information on site investigation, thickness determination, design of joints and other details, durability considerations, paving operations, and quality-assurance procedures during construction. Buy or download the guide.

ACI Parking Area Quick Reference Sheet

Provided by the American Concrete Institute (ACI), this reference sheet details recommendations for 20-year design thickness, jointing, best construction practices & more. View the reference sheet.

Advantages to Concrete Parking Lots

This joint presentation from the ASCC, in coordination with the NRMCA, outlines the primary benefits of concrete parking lots and failure points in asphalt parking lots. Download now.

Concrete Parking and Promotion

Free resources from includes downloadable brochures on concrete parking and paving subjects, along with planning and design assistance programs and webinars. 


ConcreteTracker is a collection of concrete building and paving case studies assembled by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA). Building owners, developers, architects, engineers and others interested in seeing a project near them can search the map for information about concrete building or paving projects.  

ConcreteTracker project information is collected from those involved in the project. In addition to the design professional, project information often includes material suppliers and contractors. ConcreteTracker also helps owners with multiple locations understand more about the pavements and buildings they own, manage, and/or rent, with the convenience of web-based information. Learn more.

Click here for instructions on how to enter a project, and click here for the project entry form.

Concrete Trails Keep You on the Right Path

FAQs About Concrete Parking Lot Construction and Design

This guide answers frequently-asked questions on reinforcement, jointing and sealing in the development of concrete parking lots. Learn more.

Guide to Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots

This Guide to the use of concrete overlays over existing asphalt parking lots, from the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, provides information for decision makers and practitioners about selecting, designing, and constructing successful concrete overlays on existing asphalt parking lot pavements. Read the complete guide. Purchase a physical copy in our bookstore.

Guide to Concrete Trails

This guide focuses on the development steps, design parameters and options, important elements of construction from subgrade preparation to delivery, use of various and sometimes innovative construction equipment, as well as concrete trail maintenance and repair. Sponsored by the Ready Mixed Concrete Research & Education Foundation, this is a guide published in 2019 by the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University. Download now.

Heat Island Effect

"A Citywide Understanding of the Urban Heat Island Effects"
"Albedo, Climate & Urban Heat Islands"
"Albedo: A Measure of Surface Reflectivity"

Illuminance PFB1-Understanding Lighting and How LED are Changing the Game

This brochure from the NRMCA discusses how a concrete parking lot decreases energy costs when compared to asphalt surfaces due to its lighter color and surface reflectivity. Learn more.

Life-Cycle Analysis

Life Cycle Analysis (or Assessments) (LCAs), are one of the most effective ways to evaluate how a product will impact the environment. They help consumers and building-code officials make informed decisions during the design and build phases of a project. And, they drive innovation by revealing opportunities for manufacturers to improve a product’s efficiency and quality. Equipped with an LCA insights, contractors can know how to better prevent or resolve environmental problems related to project management and improper waste disposal. Read more here.

Parking Lot Checklist for Pre-Construction Conference

Prior to beginning a parking lot construction project, it is recommended that the design/construction team complete this extensive pre-construction checklist. Download now.

Parking Lot Design Assistance Program

Provided by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA), this program provides detailed recommendations for specific concrete parking lot design including CAD jointing recommendations, along with the opportunity for design consultation.  Click here for more information.

Paving Brochure

This reference guide for concrete parking lots details the benefits of concrete parking lot development, outlines the NRMCA Design Assistance Program and provides reference and comparison illustrations and charts for material thickness. Download now.

Shedding Light on Concrete Reflectivity-A Case Study Focusing on the Leavenworth, KS Walmart

This real-world case study focuses on energy savings produced by the installation of a concrete parking lot. Read the case study.

Establishing Thickness Tolerances for Parking Lot Slabs

This article provides data for measured thickness of exterior sloped and warped parking lots, and interior troweled slabs and compares the data to the specified ACI 117 thickness tolerance. Read the article.

Concrete Can't Place Itself!

This article is on the contractor/producer collaboration. Read the article.

NRMCA Pave Ahead Program
An initiative of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association to promote the use of concrete products for pavement due to their safety, resilience, and long-term value. Our mission is to provide designers, engineers, contractors, owners, and developers the tools necessary to pave ahead—which means thinking smarter, going beyond conventional methods, and leading the way in adopting new and innovative technology. Choosing concrete creates a durable and more sustainable future. It’s that simple.
Click here for more information.

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