Councils & Committees

Specialty Councils

Decorative Concrete Council (DCC)

Council Director: Michael Campbell, Trademark Concrete Systems, Inc.

Staff Liaison: Clark Branum

The DCC educates contractors on the technical and business aspects of decorative concrete contracting and promotes decorative concrete to designers, owners, and end users through demonstrations and seminars at the Annual Conference, an annual awards competition and via community projects.

Concrete Polishing Council (CPC)

Council Director: Ryan Klacking, Syncon, Inc.

Staff Liaison: Clark Branum

The CPC serves as an educational resource for contractors and others in the design and construction industry through certification, education, technical documents and awards.

Manufacturers’ Advisory Council (MAC)

Council Director: Jeff Johnson, Allen Engineering Corporation

Staff Liaison: Ray Hefner

The board of this associate member Council advises the ASCC on how the organization can provide the best value to its vendor members. The MAC has a strong voice in all sponsorship decisions that directly affect these valued companies.

Safety & Risk Management Council (SRMC)

Council Director: John Messing, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.

Staff Liaison: Joe Whiteman

This Council educates and provides materials to contractors on all aspects of safety and risk management relating to concrete contracting and insurance. The Council also provides oversight on publications, demonstrations, and everywhere we display safe practices.

Main Committees


To oversee the development and implementation of the mission, goals, and administrative affairs of the Society.

Chair: William Bramschreiber, Charles Pankow Builders

Dennis C. Ahal, Retired Paul A. Albanelli, Albanelli Cement Contractors Scott Anderson, Keystone Structural Concrete Chris Forster, Largo Concrete Clay Fischer, Woodland Tilt-Up Aaron Gregory, Gregory Construction Services Chris Klemaske, Sundek National Accounts, Cory Lee, Martin Concrete, Chris Plue, Webcor Concrete Mike Poppoff, Retired D. Thomas Ruttura, Ruttura & Sons Const., Co. Michael J. Schneider, Retired Ronald Simonetti, Retired Wahid A. Tadros, California Engineering Contractors

Education & Training

To provide guidance on building cost-effective, high-quality concrete structures while educating clients on practical and achievable expectations.

Chair: Position Open

Scott Anderson, Keystone Structural Concrete Scott Burghardt, Concrete Preservation Institute Clinton Condit, Sundt Construction Mario Garza, Barton Malow Co. Otto Girr, Miller & Long Co. Myron Hillock, Somero Enterprises Stevie Ray Lloyd, Lloyd Concrete Services Jim Martinoski, Miller & Long Co. Jereme Montgomery, Stephens & Smith Const. Co. Marc Ness, DPR Construction Eric Peterson, Webcor Concrete Ray Hefner, Staff Jim Klinger, Staff

Emerging Leaders

To ensure the continued success of ASCC by seeking the active participation and insight of emerging leaders within the organization and the industry.

Chair: Rachel Zahaitis, BORIDE Engineered Abrasives

Alberto Albanelli, Albanelli Cement Contractors Chris Bailey, Christman Constructors Michael Campbell, Trademark Concrete Systems Brittany Chiccarine, Durable Surfaces Anna Cloutier, BORIDE Engineered Abrasives Deidre Dann, Sundek National Accounts Tom Dunlap, Bass Commercial Concrete Victor Klemaske, T.B. Penick & Sons Jesse Long, PROCON, Inc. Nick Loscalzo, Palatial Concrete Dan Lucas, Helix Steel Brandon Meeks, Birmingham Decorative Concrete Matt Poppoff, Poppoff, Inc. Trevor Prater, Swinerton Builders Joey Ward, Allen Engineering Corp. Allen Worrell, Trademark Concrete Systems


To advise and make recommendations to the board of directors pertaining to the financial aspects of ASCC activities and programs, and to provide financial oversight in such matters as may come before the board.

Chair: Aaron Gregory, Gregory Construction

Paul A. Albanelli, Albanelli Cement Contractors Greg Hryniewicz, Hyde Concrete Aaron Long, PROCON, Inc. David Somero, S&S Concrete Floors Keith Wayne, Wayne Brothers Companies Mary Anderson, Staff Ray Hefner, Staff


Direct all efforts toward further engaging current members and recruiting new members who understand the value of organizational membership.

Chair: Matt Poppoff, Poppoff, Inc.

Robert Dalrymple, North Coast Concrete Chris Forster, Largo Concrete Leah Gradl, Kent Companies Aaron Gregory, Gregory Concrete Construction Tim Manherz, Encore Concrete Construction Sean McGillicuddy, McGillicuddy Concrete Michael J. Schneider, Retired Tony Sinelli, Charles Sinelli & Sons, Sayde Hindelang, Staff Ray Hefner, Staff


Co-Chairs: Jeremiah Mistele, PROCON, Inc. and Mike Hernandez, Staff

Scott Berg, Hensel Phelps Tom Binkowski, Barton Malow Co.  Bill Clyne, FST Design Build Concrete, Inc. Clinton Condit, Sundt Construction Dan Fadelli, Berkeley Cement, Inc. (BCI) Susan Foster, CTS Cement Manufacturing Corp. Kyle Kammer, Concrete Strategies Art Kore, Jobsite Supply Terry Harris, Chryso and GCP Jeremy Lee, GCM Contracting Solutions, Inc. Tim Manherz, Encore Concrete Construction Rick McElveen, Martin Concrete Construction Matt Offenberg, Owens Corning Frank Salzano, Ceco Concrete Construction Jim Klinger, Staff


To provide technical resources, guidelines, education, and support to ASCC members participating in sustainable concrete construction.

Co-Chairs: Leena Patel, Sundt and Mike Hernandez, Staff 

Oscar Antommattei, Kiewit, Heather Brown, Irving Materials, Julie Buffenbarger, Beton Consulting Engineers, Parisha Chanodia, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Monica Chhatwani, DPR Construction,, Nick DeMonte, OPCMIA,  Jeremy Dominik, Morley Construction Co., Dean Frank, ACI NEU, Ben Grimsley, Lithko Contracting, Stephanie Hampton, Summit Materials, Jerry Holland, Structural Services, Inc. Kyle Kammer, Concrete Strategies, Tarek Khan, Master Builders, John D. Lee, Cemstone, Lionel Lemay, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Tim Lewis, Amazon, Phil Matisak, Master Builders, Mike McBean, DPR Construction, Sarah Rege, Webcor Concrete, Peter Ruttura, Ruttura & Sons Constructioni Company, Inc., Monica Shripka, National Council of Structural Engineers Associations, Michael Somero, ACE/AVANT Const. Co., Inc. Amy Trygestad, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Kristina Vitale, B & B Concrete Placement, Inc., Tim West, Clayco, Michelle Wilson, Portland Cement Association Corey Zollinger, CEMEX, Ray Hefner, Staff


Annual Conference

To create an exciting, fun venue for concrete contractors to learn and network.

Chair: Cory Lee, Martin Concrete Construction

Paul Albanelli, Albanelli Cement Contractors Roy Bowman, Curecrete Jeremy Clark, Stego Industries Rich Gardner, Euclid Chemical Company, The Rick Lobdell, Concrete Mystique Engraving Tim Lussier, Bekaert Corporation Sean McGillicuddy, McGillicuddy Concrete Kris Nagy, Caterpiller, Inc. Michael J. Schneider, Retired Ray Hefner, Staff, Sayde Hindelang, Staff


Chair: Paul Albanelli, Albanelli Cement Contractors

Clay Fischer, Woodland Tilt-Up Myron Hillock, Somero Enterprises Mindy Kruggel, Transhield/TopCure


Co-Chairs: Trevor Prater, Swinerton Builders and Jim Klinger, Staff 

Oscar Antommattei, Kiewit Brian Carson, NexGen Contracting Eamonn Connolly, McHugh Concrete Construction Aron Csont, Barton Malow Michael Damme, Sundt Construction Jim Dick, Charles Pankow Builders Phil Diekemper, ACI PRO Kevin MacDonald, Beton Consulting Engineers Guy McGriff, Keystone Structural Concrete Pat Moriarity, Concrete Strategies John Paleologos, Miller & Long Co. Terry Swayne, Wayne Brothers Companies Kevin Timken, Ceco Concrete Construction Mike Hernandez, Staff Joe Whiteman, Staff

Concrete Executive Leadership Forum

To provide a “world class” event at a unique destination that impacts all attendees through the exchange of information, education, fellowship, and relaxation.

Chair: T.R. Kunesh, Somero Enterprises

Wayne Albanelli, Albanelli Cement Contractors Aaron Gregory, Gregory Construction Maizer Ouijdani, Conco Chris Plue, Webcor Concrete Doug Rhiel, ALTUS Material Placement Ashley Stamper, DANKO Concrete Construction Ray Hefner, Staff Sayde Hindelang, Staff


Chair: Chris Klemaske, Sundek National Accounts

Bill Bramschreiber, Charles Pankow Builders Anthony DeCarlo, Jr., Dominion Concrete Services Aaron Gregory, Gregory Construction Greg Hryniewicz, Hyde Concrete Cory Lee, Martin Concrete Construction Maizer Ouijdani, Conco Ray Hefner, Staff


Chair: Matt Poppoff, Poppoff, Inc. and Mike Hernandez, Staff

Tim Baert, Martin Concrete Construction Bryan Birdwell, Structural Services, Inc. Bill Clyne, FST Design Build Concrete, Inc. Joseph Daczko, Master Builders Solutions Admixtures Greg Fricks, The Fricks Company John Hawkins, Sundt Construction Myron Hillock, Somero Enterprises Jeff Johnson, Allen Engineering Corp. Art Kore, Jobsite Supply Tony Lampasona, Lampasona Concrete Steve Lloyd, Sr. Lloyd Concrete Services Jesse Long, PROCON, Inc. Rusty Maglionico, The Euclid Chemical Co. Anthony Perello, Sullivan Construction Group Ben Wiese, Green Umbrella Systems Jim Klinger, Staff


Chair: Bill Bramschreiber, Charles Pankow Builders

Scott Anderson, Keystone Structural Concrete Michael J. Schneider, Retired

NRMCA/ASCC Joint Paving Committee

To provide concrete contractors the tools to promote and install the highest quality paving installations

Chair: Ray Merlo, Merlo Construction Co.

David Aiken, CEMEX Paul Albanelli, Albanelli Cement Contractors Chris Cardinal, Mark Cardinal Concrete Construction Myron Hillock, Somero Enterprises Mike Hoeft, K & M Concrete Construction Brian Killingsworth, NRMCA Steve Lloyd, Lloyd Concrete Services Anthony Perello, Sullivan Construction Group Corey Zollinger, CEMEX Ray Hefner, Staff Jim Klinger, Staff

Social Media

Chair: Deidre Dann, Sundek National Accounts

Ryan Atkinson, Husqvarna Construction Products Michael Campbell, Trademark Concrete Systems Anna Cloutier, BORIDE Engineered Abrasives Sam Dabecco, Ligchine Meghan Hyrniewicz, Hyde Concrete Karen Keyes, The Art of Concrete Justin Ross, Milwaukee Tool Ben Wiese, Green Umbrella Systems, Ray Hefner, Staff

Strategic Planning

Chair: Marc Ness, DPR Construction

Peter Emmons, STRUCTURAL Chris Forster, Largo Concrete Kristin McKenzie, Martin Concrete Construction Chris Plue, Webcor Concrete Matt Poppoff, Poppoff, Inc. Doug Rhiel, ALTUS Material Placement Neil Roach, Painters USA Michael J. Schneider, Retired David Somero, S&S Concrete Floors Ray Hefner, Staff

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American Society of Concrete Contractors
10025 Office Center Avenue, Suite 120
Sappington, MO 63128
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