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Troubleshooting Newsletter Articles
June 2018
Failure to Specify a Time Limit for Tolerance Measurements
Specifying Maximum Crack Widths for Structural Concrete
Gap-Under-a-Straightedge Specification for Floor
Get the Designer Involved for Embedded Steel Plates
October 2016
White deposits on troweled floor
Medium broom finish not uniform
Crazing not a terminal illness
Tolerance question on stone cladding of sheer walls
April 2016
Floor defects
July 2015
How valuable photos can be in analyzing a problem
January 2015
Placing concrete in congested wall forms
Birdbaths on pavement slab
Superflat slab on metal decking
Amount of ice needed to reduce concrete temperature by 20°F
August 2014
F-number flatness specified, but flooring installer wants ¼-in. gap under 10-ft. straightedge
Coring because cylinder strengths don’t meet 7-day strength requirement
Requirements for durability of a farm silo floor
Elevation tolerance for the bottom of a truck-leveler pit
January 2014
Allowable crack width
Will leaving forms in place provide adequate curing?
Do stem walls chemically bond to footings?
September 2013
Specification mentions integral color but use not designated on plans
Water-based acrylic sealer for decorative concrete
Floor levelness requirement for concrete slab placed on carton void forms
Cold weather field curing requirements
Test section definition for F-number testing
Responsibilities for jobsite test cylinder storage
Verification of water slump prior to adding a high-range water reducer – CLARIFICATION. (see April 2012)
9. May 2013
Effect of integral color admixtures on air content.
Does ACI prohibit earth-formed footings?
Air hole size and spacing in wall blackouts
Fine broom finish to receive ceramic tile flooring
Guideline for pre-construction meetings
Effect of liquid deicers on concrete
December 2012
Sampling method results in out-of-spec concrete pour
Vapor retarder needed for slab placed on carton forms?
Reinforcement at reentrant corner in a floor
Closure strip for a floor slab that’s not post-tensioned?
Effect of slag cement on concrete shrinkage
Combination blades and dry-shakes
Calcium chloride in steel-fiber reinforced concrete?
August 2012
Using ACI committee membership as a qualification for interpreting ACI documents
Pervious concrete pavement specification
Ammonia smell from concrete
Cracking in tilt-up building floor slab
Vague requirements for form material
April 2012
Early cracking in post-tensioned elevated slabs
Maximum running slope for ADA accessible ramps
Maximum slab-on-ground placement size and keyed construction joints
Strength difference for larger cylinders
Tolerance on nosing location for cast-in-place stairs
Verification of water slump prior to adding a high-range water reducer
December 2011
Tight plumb tolerance.
Floor covering adhesion failure
Short cores from a floor
How to measure straightedge straightness
Will contraction joints prevent random cracking of slabs on metal decking?
Wandering sawed joint
July 2011
Steel reinforcement in sidewalks?
Joint spacing for airport pavements
Durability of lightweight concrete decks in a parking structure
External vibration of walls
When does curing start?
Investigating an underyield problem
January 2011
Concrete cover required for a 2-hour fire rating for walls
Stabbing vertical rebar into footings
Bar placing in concrete slabs
Can floors curl after 40 years?
How cold can rebar be during cold weather concreting?
December 2010
Polished lightweight concrete floor
Cause of cracking at isolation joints
Flatness requirements for maple flooring used in gymnasium
Avoiding remove-and-replace for low air content
June 2010
Entrained air in tilt-up wall panels
Elevation tolerance for the top surface of a machine foundation
Allowable bughole size
Contraction joints in a short, wide wall
Concrete cover requirements for concrete cast against earth
April 2010
Measure f-numbers after joints are sawed?
Door opening tolerance
Responsibility for providing structural drawings
Minimum slope for a concrete parking lot
Performance of concrete made with white cement
Grinding a concrete swimming pool deck
October 2009
Measuring flatness of floors with numerous penetrations
Welded wire reinforcing through contraction joints in a slab on grade
Vibrating concrete in a high wall
Strength needed for stripping of forms without damaging the concrete surface
Curing a rubbed finish
Noncontact splices in flexural members
No specifications and only a drawing plus drawing notes for slab-on-ground construction
April 2009
Tolerance on fine-graded base course elevation
On-site slump adjustments with water
Placing footings in the rain
Curing concrete placed in the cold weather
How to use a modified highway straightedge
Placing tolerances for reinforcing bars
June 2008
Trowel finish for air-entrained concrete
Accidental dose of calcium chloride
Curing time for lean concrete base course?
Connect tilt-up panels with welded connections?
What floor cracks are acceptable?
Light, normal or hard-troweled: what’s the difference?
Water-repellent admixture reduces strength
Advice on mat footings
August 2005
Rust stains on exposed wall
Cracks caused by early truck traffic
Type 1 vs. Type 2 curing compound
Tolerance for top of wall elevation
Tape removes acid stain
Does a low air content make the air-void system marginal?
Cause of concrete cracking
How to handle a difficult placement
April 2004
Tolerances on concrete street elevations
Cracking caused by late concrete discharge?
Cracks in curb
Required lap for welded wire fabric
Wall cracking issues
Wavy finish, even when using pans
Rained-on concrete
June 2003
Broom finish definition
Cold weather concrete protection
Dealing with lost cylinders
How soon can the driveway be salted?
Curing lightweight concrete on elevated slabs
Are bugholes surface defects?
Carbon black for colored concrete?
Casting tilt-up panels over depressions in a slab
December 2002
Topping thickness on hollow-core floor slabs
When can calcium chloride be used as an accelerator?
How soon can a wall be bushhammered?
Tolerance for top of wall elevation
Minimizing tilt-up panel surface blemishes
Welded wire fabric location in concrete slab on metal decking
July 2002
Temperature control for massive footings
Cleaning concrete splatter
Delamination problem
Injectable water stops
Constructability issues for high-density concrete
What’s a class AX floor?
Attaching form ties to soldier piles
R-value for a tilt-up wall
Dowel residential patio into foundation wall?
Effects of clean rust on rebar bond
January 2002
Removing tire marks
Test-cylinder curing
Vapor retarder life expectancy
Erection tolerance for precast plank
Sidewalk joint spacing
Rebar placing tolerance
Embed PT strand ends in concrete?
Rock salt finish.
Uplift pressure on forms
Tapered walls on a radius
February 2001
Pour rate for walls
F-number specifications
Low strength concrete in columns
Cause of pavement cracking
When to start curing
Vapor retarder location
Concrete on metal decking
Wrong concrete in the footing
Thin floor slab
August 2000
Steel trowel finish for silica fume concrete
Minimum rebar temperature for cold-weather concreting
Thin unbounded overlay
Checkerboard concrete placing on metal deck
Removing red chalk lines
Curb and gutter tolerances
Concrete block supports for rebar
April 2000
Concrete protection from high temperatures
Joints in bonded overlays
Repairs for half basement
High-low thermometer source
Low water/cement needed?
Bughole problems
Alternative to remove and replace
Tolerable crack widths
December 1999
Straightedge specifications
Cold weather protection for mat foundation
Speeding up cracking
Spall causes and repair methods
Slab thickness tolerances
Damage to shrinkage compensated concrete slab
No bug holes, no rubbing
October 1999
Effect of household bleach on concrete
Quality management course
Who owns sidewalk cracks?
Proper internal vibration procedure
June 1999
Floor that’s easy to clean but not slick
Standard method for making test beams
ADA requirements for stairs
Flatness and levelness requirements for elevated slabs
Getting rid of floor moisture
Who pays for joint sealant reservoir
Crusting concrete
ACI sawcut joint depth requirements
August 1998
Elevated concrete panel floor system
Contraction joint too wide?
Splicing requirements for bundled bars
Fire resistance rating for concrete slab
Dusting floor remedy
Reducing water vapor emission
Blotchy color in black driveway
Removing acorn stains
June 1998
Expansion joints for pavements?
Discolored driveway
Estimating pan-joist concrete quantities
Finding new cracks in concrete
F-numbers for sloping floors
What are ISO 9000 requirements?
Tool or sawcut joints in precast topping slab
Mix adjustments for finishing problems
March 1998
Tailgating concrete for a slab on grade
Steel nosing for concrete curb
Will a 30 foot free fall damage concrete?
Repairing scratches on a cure and seal
Class A or B finish for lap pan forms?
Controlling shrinkage in repair concrete
September 1997
Cause of a giant popout
Concrete mix for temperatures up to 2500 degrees F
Mirror like finish for a cast-in-place walls
Superplasticizer effect on form pressures
Recipe for expansive grout
June 1997
Effect of antifreeze on epoxy bond
Expansion joints for driveways
Who’s responsible for under yield?
Sand over a vapor retarder?
Cause for floor delamination
March 1997
Questionable core test results
Will a curled slab get better with age?
Safe cutoff date for placing driveways in cold climates
Will heaters damage two-day-old concrete?
No-gloss sealer for exposed aggregate flatwork
Effect of fertilizer on concrete
Realistic minimums for F numbers
October 1996
Staggered joints in concrete parking lot
Resume wet curing to increase floor strength?
Building a fire resistant burn pit
Will laser controlled screeds damage vapor retarder?
Required joint depth for early cut saws
ACI building code requirements don’t apply to slabs on grade
Honeycomb repair
Effect of sugar on concrete
June 1996
Requirements for jointing concrete pavements
How soon can walls be stripped in cold weather?
Preventing cement balls from forming
Dry pack repairs for honeycomb
Meeting flatness tolerances for elevated slabs
April 1996
Core length and floor thickness
Bumps at construction joints caused by curling?
Removing discoloration caused by curing method
Surface preparation for concrete topping
Locate reinforcing before determining penetration resistance or rebound number?
Do shrinkage reducing measures also reduce strength?
Can this floor be saved if it got too much calcium chloride?
Aluminum forms not allowed?
December 1995
Selection of welded wire fabric
How much air is too much?
Rust stain on surface
Rubbed finish
June 1995
Location of construction joints in a metal deck reinforced composite slab
Equivalent concrete strength by core testing
Placing a flat floor
Dusting due to sudden rain storm.
March 1995
Tilt-up wall brace removal
Vertical loads on jump forms
Slump test location during concrete pumping
Rebound hammer for form removal
Cracks in tank walls
September 1994
Bugholes in architectural walls
Using silica fume
Allowable crack width
Proper mixing
April 1994
One or two component sealants
Concrete during a break in cold weather
Filling warehouse contraction joints
Form pressures for mixes with pozzolans and superplasticizers
October 1993
Timing of surface treatments
Surface hardeners for flat floors?
Fire damaged board-finished concrete
Thin overlay for parking structure ramp
Is concrete with white portland cement stickier?
Form plywoods produce different finish and color
June 1993
Finishing flatwork
Monitoring wall cracks
Working with shrinkage compensating concretes
Ethylene glycol
Cement burns
Questions on water-reducers
February 1993
Plywood spans in formwork when wide supports are used
Restrictions on calcium chloride in concrete on metal decking
What cracks to repair
Surface blemishes in pan joist construction
Joints in slip formed curb and gutter
Vault construction using grid-crete
October 1992
Tolerance for foundations
Damp basements due to calcium chloride
Joints needed in reinforced slab?
Loss of air content during pumping
Levelness on elevated slabs
June 1992
Are low strength test results acceptable?
Use a liquid floor hardener prior to applying epoxy coating?
Tolerance on squareness of column cross section
Will leaving forms in place provide adequate curing?
Tear up the floor because one core shows floor not thick enough?
Curling floor slab
February 1992
Timing joint sawing in cold weather
Cracks in curb and gutter
Detail calls for wire mesh that’s continuous through a keyway
Do stem walls chemically bond to footings?
Causes for air content fluctuations
Will asphalt based dampproofing coatings leach from foundation walls?
Form design for relatively low-strength concrete in cold weather
Cause for cracking of elevated deck concrete slab
November 1991
Improving concrete pumpability
Best way to install vapor barrier
Causes of spot retardation
Understanding F-numbers for flatness and levelness
Information on building post-tensioned slabs-on-grade
Why aren’t expansion joints always needed?
June 1991
The metal lead in contact with damp concrete may deteriorate
Undissolved flake calcium chloride causes floor problem
Dusting of concrete ceilings unlikely
Friction factor for concrete on concrete
Surface depressions in slabs
Stains in precast panels
Crushed dry ice probably not a good way to cool concrete
Saving a non-air-entrained concrete curb
February 1991
Bigger aggregate reduces curling
Dealing with low cylinder test results
Air loss in pumped concrete
Color uniformity problems with a concrete driveway
Causes for overlay debonding
Don’t run deformed bars or wire mesh through control joints
November 1990
Preventing trowel burns on white floors
Which heater fuel is best?
Straightedge equivalents for F-numbers
Void forms for use on swelling soils
Trial mixes by ready mix producers
Alternatives for superplasticizers
Marks in slab caused by rebar near the surface
July 1990
Removing keel marks from formed surfaces
Smaller diameter cores more likely to yield low strengths
Reasons for granular bases under slabs-on-grade
Will rain damage footing concrete?
Low water content reduces air content
Is entrained air required in wet-mix shotcrete?
Steel vibrator head may damage epoxy-coated rebar
Listing of concrete repair contractors
Cleaning the underside of rebars during repair operations
Effect of fly ash on setting time of concrete
Will rainwater provide enough water to cure dry-packaged concrete?
Patching materials for frozen deck slabs
April 1990
Avoid using Type III cement in hot weather
Bad smelling mixing water may not harm concrete
Don’t use deformed bars in control joints
How many test cylinders are required?
Use a light-reflective dry shake or a coating to get a white concrete floor
Streaks in walls caused by using new aluminum forms
Reinforced concrete that doesn’t contain steel
February 1990
Circular cracking pattern in floor may be caused by overload
How many pop outs are acceptable?
Winter protection of concrete
How much strength does concrete develop after 7 days?
Volume of grout
How to control cracking in racquetball court
October 1989
Filling joints cut in freshly finished concrete
Coloring agent knocks out air
Efficiently removing high spots on a concrete floor
Rubbed finish for concrete walls
Safe working loads for form ties
How to check frequency of internal vibrators
July 1989
Causes of craze cracking
Improving pumpability of concrete
How to make new sidewalks match ones that are 20 years old
Does position in structure affect rebound hammer results?
Check calibration for aggregate moisture tester
Very lightweight concrete
Will calcium chloride thaw a frozen subgrade?
What is FRAPMC?
April 1989
Cause of excessive joint opening
Correcting air content readings for air in aggregate voids
Insulation beneath concrete slabs-on-grade
Colored dry shake hardener doesn’t retain color
Plumb and level standards for residential construction
Remove curing compound before placing an overlay
January 1989
Filling random cracks in a floor
Problems with lignite pop outs
Preventing blistering
Getting stuck with problems caused by poor design
Cause of discolored concrete pool deck
Sources for insulated stay-in-place forms
October 1988
Cool water for cooling concrete
Removing furniture oil stains from a concrete floor
Nonflowing joint filler
Suppliers of electric heating cables for snow melting on concrete slabs
Beware of retarders in flatwork placed in hot weather
Repairs for cold room concrete
July 1988
Concrete saw blade life
Patching board finished concrete
Joint filler problems in an industrial floor
Keystone finish for flatwork
Sparkle finish for concrete flatwork
April 1988
Yield loss in tall walls
Effect of form oil on rebar
Blistering in heated enclosure
How to get high early strength
Cause for peeling of urethane coating
Problems with control of air content
Protecting concrete from spalling
January 1988
Field cured cylinders not used for acceptance purposes
Air-entrained concrete can be troweled
Dusting of formed surfaces
When to grind a defective surface
Concrete for a long haul
Avoid un-jointed elongated slabs to control cracking
October 1987
Timing of joint sawing
Preventing cracks in a warehouse slab
Resurfacing an old slab
A specification for slump
Flexural strength and compressive strength
July 1987
A rained on truck ramp
A rained on bridge deck pavement
Failure of a compressive strength test
Exposure of concrete to high temperature
The purpose of a slump test
Watertightness of concrete
April 1987
Wire mesh and jointing
Whether or not fly ash is cementitious
Calcium chloride and chloride ion
Aluminum in contact with concrete
Storing ammonium nitrate
Superplasticizers and fly ash in the same mix
January 1987
Curing a decorative concrete finish
Cylinder testing
Calcium chloride for winter concreting
Resurfacing a concrete floor
High early strengths
Cement asbestos
September 1986
Plastic cracking in slabs placed on vapor barriers
Coping with wind, hot sun and dry-shake hardener
Scaling of concrete driveways that were sealed
Correcting a wavy surface finish
July 1986
Low concrete cylinder strength tests
Meeting a maximum concrete temperature specification in hot weather
76. May 1986
Early random cracking in floor
Floor required to resist both wear and mild ice
Discoloration of tile over rain damaged concrete
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