ASCC's New Monthly Safety Roundtables and Why You Should Participate
Joe Whiteman, director of safety services  2-2021

For those who have attended our COVID-19 Roundtables, you have seen the value in sharing your experiences and listening to others challenges or lessons learned. The Safety & Risk Management Council realized what a great tool and opportunity it provides members to discuss and share challenges, resources and lessons learned. I am pleased to announce we have expanded that idea, and will be hosting a safety roundtable via ZOOM on a different topic each month.

The safety roundtable will have 3-5 “starter” questions to help stoke the conversation. Beyond that, this is an opportunity for you and others in your company to learn from and share related experiences, work practices, resources, and challenges. Someone else on the call may have already found an answer and is willing to share with you.

I encourage everyone on the call to participate. In the age of videoconference, it's easy to turn your camera off, mute your microphone and just listen, but engaging in the conversation adds to the dynamics and quality of discussion. So please chime in, ask a question or share an experience related to the topic. I and others on the call will appreciate it.

The safety roundtable will be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 3-4pm, CST. The next topic, March 17, is Return to Work Programs. Should you have questions or recommendations for topics for future roundtables, please email me at, and keep an eye out for our schedule for the upcoming months.

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