The Heat is On: Don’t Let it Catch You Off Guard!         
Joe Whiteman, Director of Safety Services    5-2019     

As I channel my inner Glenn Frey and hum the lyrics to “The Heat Is On,” I’m thinking about how quickly summer has come upon us. I hope everyone is ready and prepared for hot working conditions, ensuring employees have been properly acclimated as well as ensuring that schedules, drinking water, and shade are accounted for. All should be going through our minds as we plan our workdays and welcome the warm weather.

With hot weather comes increased exposure to heat illness. I’m sure we all have either experienced or know someone who has experienced some level of heat illness. We should be well aware of the symptoms of heat illness and the results if they are ignored or unnoticed. Heat illness can rapidly escalate to a preventable fatal incident- heat stroke; the operative word being preventable.

Prevention is key. First, we need to plan. In planning the workday, we must take into consideration not only elevated temperatures, but also provisions for shade, accessibility to sufficient water, and adequate rest. Second, we need to train employees on the hazards of heat illness and how to recognize the symptoms. Third, we must continually communicate. Communication not only includes the daily workplan, but the location of water and shade and what to do in case of a heat-related emergency. Additionally, we must encourage our workers to watch out for one another and to report when anyone is feeling overly fatigued.

Early recognition and open communication will ensure we maintain our “cool.” We all know the superman syndrome; we’re invincible and “it won’t happen to me.” Encourage your workers to hydrate and pay attention to their bodies as well as those working around them. Celebrate those who recognize when to take a quick pause and an extra drink of water. That is what will ensure that we are not caught off guard while the heat is on!

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