ST. LOUIS, MO, April 6, 2021 – The American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC), St. Louis, MO, has announced that the ASCC Education, Research & Development Foundation has published “Guide to the Design and Construction of Concrete Toppings for Buildings.” The authors are Scott M. Tarr, PE, FACI; Ronald L. Kozikowski, PE; and Matthew J. Sheehan, PE. Tarr and Kozikowski are president and vice president, respectively, of North S. Tarr Concrete Consulting, P.C. Sheehan is president of Concrete & Construction Consultants, LLC (3CON).
In May 2014 the ASCC Technical Committee held a workshop on Concrete Topping Slabs for Buildings during which a variety of industry representatives discussed issues they faced on a regular basis with topping design and construction. “The information presented and the discussion that followed became the impetus for this book,” according to Dr. Bruce A. Suprenant, ASCC technical director.
From the book’s Preface:
Often, project drawings indicate where a topping is to be installed. Too frequently, however, there are no specifications providing direction to the contractor about how the topping is to be installed, which can lead to the contractor making design decisions. As toppings can be designed for a wide range of uses, these decisions are critical to the performance of the topping once the floor is placed into service. Unfortunately, the concrete contractor seldom has access to the owner to discuss intended use and expected performance. This disconnect can lead to dispute if the topping does not meet the owner’s expectations.
Important aspects of the design and construction of concrete toppings are included so that details can be discussed and appropriate budgets can be established to meet project requirements. An appendix summarizes the decision-making process and details that should be considered for any topping installation. It is the intent that this book be used as a guide to project teams when toppings are needed.
Contents include Introduction to Toppings, Concrete Mix Design, Design for Toppings and Bonded Toppings, Construction, Special Design and Construction, and Repair of Toppings.
The book is available from the ASCC online bookstore at The cost is $35 to members and $55 to non-members.
The ASCC is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of those who build with concrete, and to providing them with a unified voice in the construction industry. Members include concrete contracting firms, manufacturers, suppliers and others interested in the concrete industry, such as architects, specifiers and distributors. There are approximately 740 member companies in the United States and 14 foreign countries. For more information visit the website at or call (866) 788-2722.