Better Together

Posted on February 26, 2024 in: Polishing, Newsletter

Ryan Klacking. CPC Council Director
The Voice Newsletter February 2024

January, no doubt, was a busy month as many of us were in Las Vegas for the 50th Anniversary of the World of Concrete. For me personally, this was not only my 18th year attending and my fourth year as an exhibitor, but also one of the best WOCs I have attended in all my years. The energy was palpable, the people were open to new and exciting equipment, processes, and endeavors, and the ASCC booth was also busy the entire week.

Having the opportunity to speak to others in the industry that were not familiar with the ASCC, CPC, or DCC was an exciting endeavor. It provided me the opportunity as a board member and also as member to explain not only the support and items we have for them to use, but also the attributes of the organization(s) to the industry as a whole.

It is important as an organization and as members to unite others, and to support one another with endeavors both inside and outside of the organization. Providing mentorship is a part of being engaged in the organization. ASCC possesses an incredible cadre of resources, and we should keep this in mind always that we are promoting one of the strongest industry organizations available.

A key aspect of the ASCC is the offering of training and documents such as: Safety Training and Assessment Recognition, Certification Programs, Tool Kits, Consulting, and much more. In talking with many attendees who visited the booth at the World of Concrete, many were unaware of what we have to offer, which in turn means that we need to create more of an awareness of the great resources we do offer.

As the CPC Director and ASCC Board member, I am committed to providing concrete contractors a “unified” voice in the construction industry. I know that my fellow ASCC Board members and ASCC members share my sentiments, which epitomizes the collaborative culture of the ASCC and makes ASCC a leader in the industry. The ASCC truly embodies its mission, “to enhance the capabilities of those who work with concrete.”

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