Rich Cofoid, DCC Council Director
The Voice Newsletter February 2024

As a successful contractor, you have proven to be self-motivated. However, all of us at some point go through fatigue, or lack energy, or just don’t feel like getting out of bed.

I ran across an article on Hubspot by Leslie Ye that listed some easy and sensible ways we can use to build and strengthen our motivation.

1. Get up early. In the concrete business that goes without saying. But are you up early enough to give yourself time to set your day, not just work more hours?  It’s proven that those that get up early (I’m not talking about Mark Wahlburg or Tim Cook 3 AM early) are more successful and are better planners. Time to work out, make and eat a healthy breakfast, or even do a non-work activity can set the course for a productive day.

2. Eat a healthy breakfast. Studies have shown that those that do are happier, more creative, and more engaged.

3. Optimize your alarm. Why wake up to a jarring, irritating buzzer when you can choose music that fits the mood you’d like to wake up to? Whether it’s a feel-good song, something to pump you up, or relaxing jazz, it helps the brain release more dopamine that has positive effects for hours.

4. Work out or walk. Get the blood flowing. Fitness activities release serotonin and dopamine decreasing depression, improving mood and memory, and kick starting your energy levels.

5.Why? Why are you getting up? What drives you? Boost your intrinsic motivation by listing out what it is about decorative concrete and what you do that makes you happy. Keep it in a bedside drawer so you can refer to it when you need that extra boost.

6.Along the same lines remind yourself of your wins. List them out and keep adding to them. You’ll be surprised how many more wins you have than losses.

7. Do something in the morning that makes you happy. This is closely correlated to job performance. Examples would be to read a chapter from a favorite book, spend twenty or thirty minutes on a side project or hobby, or cook a fantastic breakfast.

8. Remind yourself of your goals. Earlier we mentioned intrinsic motivation, an internal driver. But with goals we are talking about external motivators. That new house or boat, your child’s education. No matter how much you love your job, you will have some bad days and reviewing your goals can help put your mind in the right frame.

9. Make your bed. Navy Seal Admiral McRaven recently said this at a commencement speech. You will have already accomplished something positive. It actually gives you a positive state of mind and it sets you up for completely other good habits.

10. Journal. Penciling in your thoughts for twenty to thirty minutes can help you clear your mind, focus your thinking, and empower you to make changes.

11. Meditate. Its not just for hippies and monks. Study after study shows meditation creates a deep sense of relaxation (and who couldn’t use a little more of that?). It also releases energy inducing endorphins, reduces aches and pains, and counters stress.

Chances are no one could do all of these things each and every morning (except make your bed!!) So most importantly, take care of yourself whatever your morning routine.

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