ST. LOUIS, MO March 8 – Bill Bramschreiber, Charles Pankow Builders, Pasadena, CA, has been elected president of the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC), St. Louis, MO for 2021-2022. Cory Lee, Martin Concrete was elected as a vice president and Kevin Riley, Belfast Valley Contractors, was
re-elected treasurer. Nick Adams, Euclid Chemical Co., Aaron Gregory, Gregory Construction; and Steve Lloyd, Lloyd Concrete Services, were re-elected directors. 

ASCC Specialty Councils elected the following:

The Decorative Concrete Council (DCC), elected Jeff Eiswerth, H&C Decorative Concrete Products, Cleveland, OH, as council director, and Tonia Primavera, SUNDEK, as council director-elect.  Danny Barrera, Concrete Marketing Crew, Brian Farnsworth, ChemSystems Holdings; Victor Klemaske, T.P. Penick & Sons; Ryan Olson, Ligchine; and Jeff Wells, ICP Group, were elected directors.

The ASCC Safety & Risk Management Council (SRMC) re-elected Aron Csont, Barton-Malow Co., Southfield, MI as council director for 2021, and re-elected Matthew Rutrough, PROCON, Rocky Mount, VA, as council director-elect. Jason Anglin, Christman Constructors and Phil Diekemper, Ceco Concrete Construction, were re-elected directors. Joe Garza, DPR Construction and Willie Seiler, Keystone Concrete Construction, were elected directors.

John Fauth, ChemMasters, Madison, OH, was elected secretary of the Manufacturers’ Advisory Council board. Bill Coursen, FORTA Corp.; Torsten Erbel, Multiquip, Inc.; and Matt Offenberg, Owens Corning, were elected as new directors.

The Concrete Polishing Council (CPC) elected Scott Metzger, Metzger/McGuire, Concord, NH as council director and Ryan Klacking, Syncon as council director-elect. Re-elected as directors were Bill Bencker, Bencker Contracting; Bruce Ferrell, PROSOCO; and John Haines, Hyde Concrete.

Elected new directors were Tom Binkowski, Barton Malow Co.; Bob Harris, Structural Services, Inc.; and Clif Rawlings, SASE.

The American Society of Concrete Contractors is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of those who build with concrete, and to providing them a unified voice in the construction industry.  Members include concrete contracting firms, manufacturers, suppliers and others interested in the concrete industry such as architects, specifiers and distributors.  There are approximately 740 member companies in the United States and 14 foreign countries.  For more information, visit or call the ASCC office at (866) 788-2722.

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