Sales Trends for 2024

Posted on January 17, 2024 in: Decorative, Newsletter

Rich Cofoid, DCC Council Director The Voice Newsletter January 2024

2024, another new year, and another list of New Year’s resolutions. For many of us, one of those resolutions is to spend more time on personal/professional development. On the professional side, whether you are a decorative concrete contractor or are in the employ of a larger construction company, sales are the lifeblood of your organization, and it makes sense to spend time honing those skills and keeping up with current trends.

I ran across an article recently that reminded me of most of the decorative contractors I know: “Traits of a Good Salesperson.” This information is courtesy of one of the e-newsletters I receive, Hubspot (check ‘em out). They consistently deliver great articles and blogs regarding sales tactics, lead generation, closing techniques, etc. Due to space constraints, I’m paraphrasing and condensing.

  1. Delightful. Making a sale requires building trust and a relationship with your customer, which starts by making a good first impression. Being on time and smiling when greeting your prospect is a good start.
  2. Enthusiastic. We are in decorative concrete because we are passionate about it so this one should come easy. Genuine enthusiasm cannot be faked but it helps to speak with energy and excitement.
  3. Analytical. While friendliness is a good trait, your prospect expects you to be prepared, smart, and fact driven.
  4. Resilient. Don’t let setbacks and rejection deter you; they should motivate you. Every sales call, whether it ended with a contract or a “no” should be reviewed for what worked and what didn’t work. Then get back out the “what choice do you have?”
  5. Attentive. Each customer has different needs. Listen to them (both verbal and those non-verbal cues), ask relevant questions, and be fully present in the conversation.
  6. Thorough. You ARE an expert in what you’re selling so demonstrate that knowledge.
  7. Empathetic. Connect with your prospect’s emotions. What do they really want from your service? Having a genuine concern for their needs means you’re committed to their best interests.
  8. Confident. This one seems obvious. Being confident in yourself, your product, and your service will make your customer more confident in it too.
  9. Adaptable. A good salesperson has to quickly read cues, pivot their pitch, and find common ground.
  10. Committed. Good salespeople aren’t quick to give up even in the face of challenges and rejection. Being committed also means going above and beyond, delivering on promises, and providing exceptional service.

I am sure each one of us could add to this list. We could also change the title to Traits of a Good Decorative Concrete Contractor, and it would makes as much sense. I find these quick short-read articles are great for a dose of daily motivation or affirmation and try to fit one in while eating breakfast.

If you receive a good newsletter or can recommend a good self help or business book, please let me know. See you all in Vegas!

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