Joe Whiteman, Director of Safety Services The Voice Newsletter September 2023

September is national suicide awareness month, a critical opportunity to shine a light on a topic that affects individuals from all walks of life. In industries like concrete construction where the pressure to meet deadlines and ensure safety is paramount, the importance of mental health awareness cannot be understated. This month let us take a moment to consider how we as an industry could actively contribute to the cause of suicide prevention and mental health support.

Establish an “Open Door” policy:

It is important to foster a culture of openness and empathy. Encouraging workers to share their feelings and struggles without fear or judgment is essential. Employers can organize mental health workshops or provide resources like hotlines counseling services and access to your Employers Assistance Program (EAP). By acknowledging reinforcing that mental health is just as important as physical health, we can create an environment where individuals feel comfortable having that first discussion and seeking help when needed.

Education and Training:

Educate workers and supervisors about the signs of mental distress and how to respond. Offering training on recognizing symptoms, initiating conversations, and providing support can make a significant difference. Concrete construction companies can partner with mental health organizations to develop tailored programs that address specific challenges faced by workers in our industry.

Promote Work-Life Balance:

Long hours and demanding work schedules can take a toll on mental health. Promoting work life balance is crucial to reducing stress and preventing burnout and reducing presenteeism on the job site. Concrete construction companies can implement flexible scheduling options, encourage regular breaks, provide access to Wellness programs, and checks and balances to ensure workers are not overworking themselves with endless overtime hours. Supporting employees and maintaining a healthy work life balance not only enhances mental well-being but also improves overall job satisfaction, quality of life productivity and quality of the finished product.

This National Suicide Awareness Month, let us come together as an industry to prioritize the mental health of our workers. As ASCC members, we must lead the way in this initiative by creating a culture of support, offering education and resources, and emphasizing the importance of work-life balance. By doing this, we can influence our industry to be healthier and more resilient. Together, we can make a difference, have that conversation, ask tough questions, encourage dialogue, and help prevent suicide in our industry.

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