Heat Stress

Posted on April 15, 2023 in: Safety

Shawn Werner, SRMC director The Voice Newsletter April 2023

As the summer months approach, so does the threat of heat stress for our employees. It is important to start planning for warmer weather.

Between the years of 2011-2019, BLS reported 344 heat related fatalities, an average of 38 workers a year. In April of 2022 OSHA launched a NEP (National Emphasis Program) for Heat Stress. This was done to help prevent heat related injuries and educate employers on prevention and dangers of Heat Stress.

Heat Stress (Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke) can occur at any time and any temperature under the right (or wrong) conditions. We need to start implementing controls to prevent heat-related Illness when the heat index or real feel temperatures reach 80°F (this is a combination of 80°F and 40% humidity). This can easily be tracked with the OSHA/NIOSH Heat Index application.

Here are some best practices to help keep our employees safe from heat related illness/injury:

  • Training – Employee training on signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke
  • Hot Weather Plans
  • shade structures
  • rest/hydration breaks
  • scheduling considerations
  • limiting work hours
  • cooling structures
  • providing cool potable water
  • Heat Stress Kits – Dedicated kits crews have access to that include: Ice Packs, Forehead Thermometers, Electrolyte tablets/powders (Squinchers, Working Athlete…), Rubber Gloves, Literature helping to identify the symptoms of heat illness.
  • Buddy System – Always have at least two person teams who can help watch out for one another.
  • Acclimatizing new workers slowly to the environment

Following these best practices will help you and your employees stay safe from heat-related illness/injuries.

*If you are located in the state of California, CAL/OSHA has a Heat Illness Standard that you must follow: California Code of Regulations, Title 8,section 3395. Heat Illness Prevention in Outdoor Places of Employment.

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