Election of Officers

Posted on January 25, 2023 in: Press Release

ST. LOUIS, MO January 25, 2023 – Chris Klemaske, Sundek National Accounts, Grand Prairie, TX, has been elected president of the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC), St. Louis, MO for 2023-2024. Elected vice presidents were Paul Albanelli, Albanelli Cement Contractors; Anthony DeCarlo, Jr., TWC Concrete, LLC; Cory Lee, Martin Concrete; and Maizer Ouijdani, Conco. Aaron Gregory, Gregory Construction, was re-elected treasurer. Ray Merlo, Merlo Construction Co., and David Somero,   S & S Concrete Floors, were re-elected directors. Newly elected directors are Jeff Coleman, Coleman & Erickson, LLC, and Matt Poppoff, Inc., Poppoff Inc.

ASCC Specialty Councils elected the following:

The Decorative Concrete Council (DCC) elected Rich Cofoid, The Euclid Chemical Co., Cleveland, OH, as council director. Elected council director-elect was Michael Campbell, Trademark Concrete. Jeff Keyes, Solomon Colors, Inc.; Victor Klemaske, T.B. Penick & Sons; Ronaldo Traballo, Bomanite Southeast Asia Pte, Ltd.; and Jeremy Wilkerson, Structural Services Inc., were elected directors. Diedre Dann, Sundek National Accounts, and Rob Sousa, Modern Concrete are newly elected directors.

The ASCC Safety & Risk Management Council (SRMC) elected Heather Baines, North Coast Concrete, Cleveland, OH, as council director for 2023-2024, and John Messing, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc., as council director-elect. Jason Anglin, Christman Constructors, Inc.; Joe Garza, DPR Construction; Joe Rock, Concrete Strategies; Willie Seiler, Keystone Structural Concrete; and Jason Sisk, Wayne Bros. Cos., were re-elected directors. Greg Miller, Webcor Concrete, was elected as a director.

John Fauth was elected secretary of the Manufacturers’ Advisory Council (MAC) board. David Aiken, CEMEX; Mindy Kruggel, Transhield/TopCure; and Kris Nagy, Caterpillar, Inc., were re-elected directors.

The Concrete Polishing Council (CPC) elected Ryan Klacking, Syncon, Inc., Livonia, MI, as council director, and Tom Binkowski, Barton-Malow, council director-elect. Re-elected directors were Bill Bencker, ACE/AVANT; Bruce Ferrell, PROSOCO; John Haines, Hyde Concrete; and Clif Rawlings, SASE.

Elected new directors were Steve Parker, Applied Flooring, Inc.; Jameon Schwarz, Pro Concrete Design; and Rick Zingale, Centennial Surface Technology.

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