Joe Whiteman, director of safety services The Voice Newsletter July 2022

At ASCC safety is not just a word we toss around, but a value. Values are fundamental beliefs that guide all aspects of perspectives, choices, and behaviors. One example is that at every meeting safety is part of the discussion. For those who have sat in on a board or committee meeting, you
are aware that every meeting begins with a Safety Moment.

Safety moments are a brief explanation of a safety related topic. It can be an injury, a near hit, or a safer method of performing a task. It can be feedback on a new tool that helps minimize incidents or, what not to do to avoid a future safety outcome. There is no prescribed topic, and the overall intent is to increase awareness and provide value to those who are part of the discussion.

There are many benefits to starting a meeting with a Safety Moment; perhaps the most important being the lesson learned. Think how valuable the information could be for others hearing the “cliffs notes” on how to avoid a similar situation. Members can take the information back to their
organizations and share with the appropriate individuals, helping move safety from being managed reactively, to a proactive approach before similar conditions or behaviors have a chance to manifest.

Another valuable outcome is putting participants in the safety mindset. Starting each meeting with a safety moment shows commitment, sets the tone, and ensures safety is always part of the discussion. Imagine the impact on a member participating in their first meeting and seeing safety
front and center.

I encourage members to incorporate Safety Moments within their organizations. This reinforces that safety is foremost and fosters open communication. Remember, these are opportunities to share lessons learned and to spread awareness about a specific topic and outcome. Participation and dialogue should be encouraged and never received from a judgmental or punitive perspective. I also encourage you to share your safety moments with ASCC for the ASCCSAFE quarterly safety newsletter. For more information or to submit your safety moment please contact Joseph Whiteman, director of safety services at

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