St. Louis, MO (March 7, 2022) –  The American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC), St. Louis, MO announces a new Safety Training Assessment & Recognition Program (S.T.A.R.). The program is a product of ASCC’s Safety & Risk Management Council (SRMC), the mission of which is to make ASCC concrete contractors the safest in the industry.

“S.T.A.R. is a benchmarking and improvement tool that can help contractors dramatically improve safety performance, regardless of company size or scope,” says Joe Whiteman, ASCC director of safety services. “It acts as a roadmap for companies’ policies, programs, controls and initiatives to refine and grow their company’s safety environment.”

S.T.A.R. provides 15 Key Performing Indicators (KPIs) that companies can use to assess their present safety programs. Participants score their level of achievement for each component on a weighted point scale and document their safety statistics. They achieve a recognition of level Five, Four, Three, Two or One star based on the data. Owners of companies applying for Four or Five STAR status will be interviewed by a panel of SRMC members.

“The interviews assure that ASCC is properly and diligently approving the highest level recipients, and provides company leadership the opportunity to share their involvement with safety within their companies,” says Aron Csont, Barton Malow, council director, SRMC.

The Safety and Risk Management Council (SRMC) board consists of safety and insurance professionals from all aspects of the concrete contracting industry. The group meets three times a year and spends countless additional hours overseeing safety matters for the organization. Council activities include publication development, review and monitoring of ASCC events and materials for safety compliance, member education, a safety awards program, and a safety/insurance hotline.

The ASCC is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of those who build with concrete, and to providing them a unified voice in the construction industry.  Members include concrete contracting firms, manufacturers, suppliers and others interested in the concrete industry such as architects, specifiers and distributors.  There are approximately 710 member companies in the United States and 11 foreign countries.  For more information, visit or call (866) 788-2722.

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