Entries for August 2024

How Can Technology Change the Way You Work? Mike Hernandez, ASCC Technical Director There are various new and developing technologies on the market that are of use to concrete contractors. ASCC technical staff and Associate Members can assist you with many of them. Members can also ask for feedback from the general membership in the ASCC Forum. Total StationThe most accessible technology ...

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Stay Safe in the Dog Days of Summer, Rich Cofoid, DCC Council Director This month I’ve been thinking about a subject that not only affects decorative contractors but all concrete contractors and that is summertime temperatures. Living in Florida in July and August you can’t help but think about it every time you step outside, day or night. Our concrete construction business requires...

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Question: We are building a shopping mall complex that consists of a large "anchor tenant" store, 3 adjacent "strip mall" type storefronts, and a free-standing convenience store at the end of the property. Our base contract scope of work includes all reinforced concrete foundations, slabs on grade, stub walls, and miscellaneous concrete curbs and mechanical pads that are shown ...

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