Reinforcing steel is one of the critical elements of any concrete structure. As structural engineering firms have minimal incentive to provide efficient rebar details and experienced structural engineers retire, concrete contractors and rebar placers would benefit from a library of productive rebar details. The vision is to have a large collection of rebar details which the concrete construction team can propose as substitutes. The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, CRSI, members have embraced this same concept and the CRSI Placing Committee with support from several other CRSI committees, will participate in this project.

Initial thoughts are to organize the details by the type of element that are being made more efficient, including:

  • Deep foundations
  • Footings and pile caps
  • Walls
  • Columns
  • Slabs
  • Splices and general details

There are some existing resources to provide a starting point. For examples the 26 articles “Detailing Corner” which appeared in Concrete International, 2009-2013, ACI Pro Constructability Blueprint , Five Structure Magazine articles on Recommended Details by Dave Fanella and Michael Mota and ACI 315 Rebar Detailing committee documents. BIM is another tool for showing in 3D the difficulties of existing details and the benefits of a proposed revision. There are “Benefits of BIM for steel reinforced concrete” brochures available from CRSI and ASCC members that can provide 3D rebar detailing services. 

What do we need now?

  • Send preferred details from concrete contractors and rebar placers to
  • ASCC volunteers to participate in the project, which can include:
    • Talking with rebar placers and detailers in your local area about providing productive details
    • Attending virtual and in person meetings with CRSI Placing Committee task group
    • Possibly engaging with ACI Committee 315 - Details of Concrete Reinforcement       

Having details which have been reviewed by CRSI and ASCC should increase the likelihood of their acceptance on one of your projects. This is another example of how our collective collaboration can improve your bottom line.  

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