Tarbut V’Torah Community Day School

2016 | Multiple Applications, Over 5000 SF

2016 DCC Award Winner
Tarbut V’Torah Community Day School, Trademark Concrete Systems

First Place: Multiple Applications / Over 5000 SF

This project encompassed new ‘outdoor classroom’ and exterior space to provide teachers and students an additional 7,000 square feet of programmed teaching space at a private school.

Trademark constructed the cast-in-place radius, amphitheatre seating, concrete sub-slabs for flagstone and dry riverbed paving, the decorative paving for the meandering walks at the playground, two new basketball courts, a cast-in-place lunch table and a template for sandblasting new vertical surfaces.

Scope included 400 LF of cast-in-place radius amphitheatre seating, 7,500 SF of integral color sand finish walkways, 2,500 of integral color 3/8” Inyo Bronze seeded aggregate and an additional 2,500 SF of sub- slab below flagstone and dry riverbed paving. Maintaining consistent radiuses and finishes at the radius amphitheatre seating and the compact project site made construction difficult.

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DCC Project Award Winners
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