Red-Tailed Hawk Inclusive Playground

2021 | Under 5000 SF, Multiple Applications

2021 DCC Award Winner
Red-Tailed Hawk Inclusive Playground, Colorado Hardscapes

First Place: Multiple Applications, Under 5,000 SF

At the end of 2017, seven-year-old Ashaun made a wish for an all-inclusive park. Designed by Urban Play Studio, the 8,000 SF playground suits all kids, no matter their physical capabilities. Colorado Hardscapes' contribution to the site features a sensory wall composed of a tactile composition of shapes, textures, and colors, a wavy walk that undulates like a roller coaster, and swings, spinners, and slides of several sorts. Micro-Top XT was used to make the sensory wall pop with color, while an imprint texture mat added a high-touch surface to the rising wall. Con-Color stain was used to add swooshes of whimsical flair to flatwork surfaces. This project called upon Colorado Hardscapes' artistic capacities as there was only a sketch to start with. The team was able to be creative in conceptualizing the parts and pieces of this one-of-a-kind sensory wall.

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DCC Project Award Winners
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