Brandon Beier Residence

2021 | Under 5000 SF, Decorative Coatings

2021 DCC Award Winner
Brandon Beier Residence, Knox Concrete, LLC

First Place: Decorative Resinous Coatings, Under 5,000 SF

This project included a SunMetal application to an approximately 2400 SF full basement and a three-bay garage slab-on-grade for a $2 M+ custom home. Knox Concrete shotblast, prepped and applied an MVB primer and a custom metallic "antiqued marble" design to fit the homeowner's Tuscan theme. Most difficult was coordination with other trades to not contaminate the area. The homeowner had interesting color suggestions, including a white base with off-white accents, silver veining and Himalayan salt pink for the light accents. Knox was worried about the pink, however it added a nice complimenting color. All in all a remarkably successful project with a very satisfied owner.

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DCC Project Award Winners
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