Statesville Christian School in Statesville, NC

2024 | Cementitious Overlays, Over 5000 SF

2024 DCC Award Winner

Statesville Christian School, Carolina Bomantie, Charlotte, NC

First Place: Cementitious Overlays, Over 5,000 SF

In May of 2022, Carolina Bomanite was approached by Landscape Architect, Ron Cutlip, to help with sidewalk repairs at Statesville Christian School in Statesville, NC. The original intent was to make improvements to a wall and paver path creating an accessible walkway with no steps to the sports fields. Once work began in 2023, a larger design developed for what eventually became the Lions Plaza. This design required the grade to be raised in order to accommodate a space for picnic tables. A 3' stem wall was poured to make the plaza accessible and a propane fire pit surrounded with recycled glass was installed. The plaza was backfilled with stone, poured and textured with no color. The design intent was to use school colors as the finished product. The original walkway was colored and textured with added brick banding. Fundraising, donated materials and sporting events caused delays that stretched over the course of a year. New sidewalks around the concession building were installed for accessibility to bathrooms and handicap parking. After the initial paving was completed, three Bomanite Microtop colors were used to cover the entire plaza and bands. The school's logo was hand-applied with three colors and a Bible scripture and words of encouragement were added, along with a phrase, around the firepit. When finished, everything was sealed. Due to the high daytime temperatures, this work occurred during the night. Sunshades, synthetic turf and composite decking were also installed in order to provide areas for students to relax, eat lunch and study. The school and its Director were great to work with. The project’s progress could be monitored by school families as it was adjacent to the school’s drop off and pick up area and the many positive social media posts from them during construction were appreciated.

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DCC Project Award Winners
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