2023 DCC Award Winner
Republic Plaza, Colorado Hardscapes, Denver, CO
First Place: Cast-in-Place Special Finishes, Under 5,000 SF

Colorado Hardscapes installed 156 linear feet of Sandscape Refined curved benches and 189 linear feet of Sandscape Refined planter walls with a more conventional shape. The biggest challenges of this project were the difficult access and hot summer temperatures. Working right off 16th street, we were limited to only using Tremont Street for access in addition to the complications of downtown in general. This required us to place the benches in smaller loads. Despite placing multiple batches, the Sandscape Refined has a consistent finish and color from one side of a pour joint to the next. With its superior structural capacities, faster production time and cost-effectiveness, cast-in-place concrete offers an outstanding solution for various construction projects.

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DCC Project Award Winners
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