2021 DCC Award Winner
Little Island @ Pier 55, Ruttura & Sons Const. Co., Inc.

First Place: Architectural Cast-in-Place Concrete Structures Over 5000 SF
WOW! Award Winner

Ruttura & Sons Const. Co., Inc., West Babylon, NY won the WOW! Award, best overall project, for Little Island @ Pier 55, Manhattan, NY. Little Island is a $250 million Hudson River Park Trust project which takes the idea of piers and parks to a new level. The most visible portion is the pots, fabricated giant cups put together with pieces called petals. 39 sets of formwork were made after extensive 3D computer modeling to create the 132 pots.

While the pots were modeled, cast, and assembled, marine contractors drove the pilings in stages, up to 200 ft. below the river. The project includes a total of 267-cylinder piles, each supporting approximately 250 to 350 tons.

The "jewel" of the project, according to Kevin Zimont, a project executive with construction management firm Hunter Roberts Construction Group, is the 700-seat amphitheater. "Architectural concrete designed for a 100-year life cycle made it difficult to satisfy the architect's wishes," says D. Thomas Ruttura, Ruttura and Sons Const. Co., Inc.

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DCC Project Award Winners
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